Depending on availability, same day appointments can sometimes be scheduled. However, in order to maintain a consistent appointment schedule, we ask that you try to keep your appointments scheduled out two weeks in advance.
Depending on availability, same day appointments can sometimes be scheduled. However, in order to maintain a consistent appointment schedule, we ask that you try to keep your appointments scheduled out two weeks in advance.
12395 El Camino Real Suite #111
San Diego, CA 92130
p. 858-488-3597 x9
f. 858-724-1747
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3777 Townsgate Dr.
San Diego, CA 92130
p. 858-488-3597 x9
f. 858-724-1747
120 C Ave.
Coronado, CA 92118
p. 858-488-3597 x6
f. 858-724-1747
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818 6th St.
Coronado, CA 92118
p. 858-488-3597 x6
f. 858-724-1747
2999 Mission Blvd Suite 101
San Diego, CA 92109
p. 858-488-3597 x4
f. 858-724-1747
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3115 Ocean Front Walk
San Diego, CA 92109
p. 858-488-3597 x4
f. 858-724-1747
501 West Broadway
San Diego, CA 92101
p. 858-488-3597 x2
f. 858-724-1747
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501 West Broadway
San Diego, CA 92101
p. 858-488-3597 x2
f. 858-724-1747
Fitness Quest 10
9972 Scripps Ranch Blvd., Suite C-7
San Diego, CA 92131
p. 858-488-3597 x8
f. 858-724-1747
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Scripps Trails Location
10216 Scripps Trail
San Diego, CA 92131
p. 858-488-3597 x8
f. 858-724-1747
12234 Poway Road
Poway, CA 92064
p. 858-488-3597 x7
f. 858-724-1747
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3535 General Atomics Ct
San Diego, CA 92121
p. 858-488-3597 x3
f. 858-724-1747
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10300 Campus Pointe Dr.
San Diego, CA 92121
p. 858-488-3597 x5
f. 858-724-1747
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San Diego Center for
Speech Therapy
12707 High Bluff Drive
Suite #200
San Diego, CA 92130
2999 Mission Blvd
Suite #101
San Diego, CA 92109
p. 858-488-4810
f. 858-746-4113